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Legal Internships in Spain

Have you ever wanted to work abroad ? Explore a different country while enhancing your résumé (CV)? Maybe sip some Sangria while practising a foreign language? Well, we may have the perfect combination for you! At European Internships we are offering you the chance to improve your job prospects in an unforgettable way: legal Internships in Spain .

We appreciate how difficult it has become to find a job. Degrees are no longer enough. You have to have the x-factor and tick all the boxes. But most importantly, you have to have experience. Employers aren’t willing to spend time and resources on new recruits only to find out that they don’t know how to apply what they have learnt. You need to show them that you will be worth it. Hence, the importance of internships.

Does being in a courtroom make your heart sing? Or would you like to negotiate the minefield that is an impending divorce? Whether you are an aspiring lawyer or just looking for a change of scenery, a legal internship may be ideal. You will be able to truly understand what law is all about and work on your weak points. But, imagine just how impressive you will seem if you have done an internship abroad . Living by yourself, picking up a foreign language and bridging cultural differences … you will definitely stand out.

Why not come to Spain and kill two birds with one stone? Learn what it takes to be a lawyer while sunbathing in Costa del Sol. You can gain an insight into the Spanish legal system, and who knows, maybe you will come away with a few ideas of how to change your own country’s system.

With our vast network of contacts throughout Spain, at European Internships we can guarantee you an amazing opportunity to spruce up your employability skills. All you have to do is choose your favourite city and contact us. We will take care of the rest.

A better future awaits you.

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